
Prof. Dr. Németh Péter

+36-72-536-288 / 36525
  • 1995- present: Professor of the Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, University Medical School of Pécs, Hungary
  • 1991- 2013: Chairman of the Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, University Medical School of Pécs, Hungary
  • 1989 - 1991: Senior Research Scientist, Department of Bio­chemistry, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, (USA)
  • 1973 - 1989: Postdoctoral Fellow, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology, University Medical School of Pécs.
  • 2006 – 2010: Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs
  • Hungarian Society for Immunology (Secretary General between 1995-1998);
  • International Union of Immunological Societies (member of the Education Commit­tee since 1993)
  • European Federation of Immunological Societies
  • Committee for Immunology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences;
  • European Commission, EU 5th , EU 6th and EU7th Framework Programs (acting as independent expert since 1999).
  • 1994: Med.Habil., University Medical School of Pécs, Hungary.
  • 1987: Ph.D. (Candidate of Medical Sciences and Immunology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest).
  • 1979-1980: UNESCO-UNDP training course in immunopathology and immunoge­netics (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Biological Research Center at Szeged).
  • 1973-1976: Residency and specialty certification from pathology and histopathology (University Medical School of Pécs).
  • 1973: M.D. (University Medical School of Pécs).
  • 1966: European Baccalaureate (Nagy Lajos Gimnázium, Szombathely, Hungary).
  • Naturally occurring (auto)antibodies
  • Basic mechanisms of physiologic and pathologic autoimmunity and their role in development of autoimmune diseases);
  • Immunopathology (molecular aspects of autoimmunity);
  • Basic immunology (evolution of the immune system, interactions betweenimmunoglobulins and other biologically active proteins and peptides; molecular mechanism of the immunological recogni­tion of evolutionary conserved biological structures);
  • Animal models of immunological diseases
  • Immunological methods (new technologies and microarrays for research and development);
  • General aspects of cellular and molecular biology (molecular metabo­lism and transport, histology and histochemistry).
  • Development more than 200 hybridoma cell lines for research and laboratory diagnostic use
  • Development of new diagnostic and therapeutic applications of monoclonal antibody based biotechnological procedures
  • 5 international and 8 Hungarian patents from the practical applications of different immunological methods
  • Establishment of the Pannonia Research Park Ltd. for commercialization of new biotechnological products and services
  • President of the Steering Committee for the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) program of the South Transdaubian Region (2000 – 2004)
  • President of the Health Industry Innovation Center of Pécs Stock Company
  • 40 years’ experience on university teaching (both in Hungarian, English and German languages)
  • Elaboration of thematic and introduction of the "Basic Immunology" subject (56 hours, one semester) in the University Medical School of Pécs, and in the Faculty of Natural Sciences. (Subject leader since 1991);
  • Invited lecturer of immunology on the Jozsef Attila University, Szeged, Faculty of Natural Sciences (1994-1995);
  • Participation in establishment of the Medical Biotechnology Master Program in the University of Pécs
  • Ph.D. program leader (19 successfully defended theses since 1993, 3 fellows at present)

Published more than 100 original papers, 38 citable abstracts, 9 book chapters, and delivered 216 lectures in international and major domestic congresses. (See details in attached list of publications.)

Born in Szombathely at January 29, 1948; Hungarian Citizen;

Married with Prof. Timea Berki,M.­D.,PhD;

Three children (Borbala 1968, David 1988, Kinga 1993)

Located in: Dolgozóink
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