Pécs, 2020. 04. 15.
Dear Students,
In this letter we summarize the most important information about the points which can be collected during the semester in Basic Immunology.
- As we already stated in our previous information letter, the points which were collected during the first part of the semester (normal practices) will be counted.This means 4 or 5 tests per group depending on the timetable whether a particular group had already a practice on the last week when the normal education was ended. Those groups who had only 4 tests will have the opportunity for a make-up class after discussing with the practice teacher.
- The points which are collected during the online classes from the lecture topics will be added to the points above (1.). This way the total 20 points can be collected in line with what we announced in the beginning of the semester. Points over 10 will be added to the exam points.
- We omit the rule that minimum 10 points are needed for the signature in Basic Immunology.
- The points which were collected in the contact lectures will be counted.
- There will be no Immunology competition this year.
- We do not have any definitive information about the exams. We will work out the details of the exams as soon as we get the official guidelines from the Leadership of the Faculty.
Evaluation of the tests at the end of the practices:
- We will evaluate all the tests which were written during the online education period and calculate an average from all results (in case of multiple-choice questions we ONLY except the completely correct answers). Points will be added to the exam as below:
51%-60% 2 points
61-70% 4 points
71-80% 6 points
81-90% 8points
91% fölött 10 points
Prof. Dr. Timea Berki Ferenc Boldizsar MD, PhD
Director Associate Professor